Yesterday was no ordinary day... I'm talking about me going to the office as early as 5:00AM and not later than 5:30AM or 6AM... But something came up on my way to the office and let me tell you this horrific story which by the way I've witnessed with my own eyes!
Exactly 5:00AM:
I ride a PUJ (Public Utility Jeepney) at Moriones to Divisoria and I think It was that cold that I almost slept on the vehicle but everything goes smoothly as usual.
I think it was 5:13-5:20:
Divisoria, I also ride a jeep (like I said, I'm doing this for about 5 years now) to Stop 'n Shop Sta. Mesa and like the first ride, everything goes fine.
Sta. Mesa, usually I'll be waiting for a PUJ with a vacant spot on the driver's seat but instead I ride inside to think that I'll be coming early at the office. I already noticed that this 2 guys (1 beside a girl, and 1 in front of her near the "ESTRIBO") seems to have something talking about with their hands. Suddenly, (really too sudden), on a spot on Sta. Mesa where there still no people or jeep passing by, 1 guy says "PARA" and before the jeep stopped, he grab the girl's bag and the other guy points a "GUN" (I think it was a caliber 38 revolver) to the girl. The girl didn't resist at all and gave the bag to them. After that, I thought they will get our things too, but instead, they came down on the jeep and point the gun on the jeep and randomly shoot us. Before we knew it the guy sitting beside the driver has been unluckly shot on the back of his head and I told (with a loud voice) the driver to kick the gas before someone would be killed again. And then we rush the poor guy to a hospital near the area.
BTW, I take this chance to let you guys pictured out how the incident happened. Look or click the image to see the diagram I just made.

Lourdes Hospital, guards, nurses, and us took out the guy from the jeep and placed him on a stretcher and let the doctors examine him. While we waiting, the Police came and ask us questions regarding the incident and after some questions, I decided not to go to the office and instead, go home and rest my mind.
This is one of my baddest experiences ever in my whole life! And until now, I still can picture on my mind what happened to us! Wish I wasn't there yesterday. Damn!!! I just think that someone UP there still loves me and wants me to be alive. THANK YOU!!! :(
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